The Friday Huddle
Jeannette Styles, MSN, RN, CCRN-CMC-CSC, SCRN
Intensive Care Unit, Surgical
PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center in Springfield, OR
What is the Friday Huddle?
What started as a weekly Zoom call in the midst of the pandemic became a weekly virtual community connecting nursing professionals across Oregon. With a mission to facilitate research and collaboration, OCN began the weekly virtual call in 2020.
The Friday Huddle happens every Friday at 8 a.m. (PST) over Zoom, fostering information sharing, collaborative problem solving, and connections. Our discussions are casual and unscripted, guided by the questions, ideas, or challenges that attendees bring each week. These weekly calls are open to everyone. Participation is welcome but not required; you are always welcome to listen in or participate in the text-based chat feature.

Past Friday Huddle Summaries
Interested in catching up on past Friday Huddle conversations or resources? Summaries for the past 12 months are available below. Click the corresponding date to download that week’s summary as a PDF. Summaries are available to download from the Oregon Center for Nursing website within 24 hours.